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ALAA Labradoodle Care Info
The ALAA is proud to share this essential grooming information for your Australian Labradoodle!
Trimming Your Dog’s Claws
Keeping your Labradoodle’s claws in check can be a daunting task, but it is absolutely necessary. You must trim your dog’s claws on a regular basis, usually once or twice a month. Don’t forget the dew claws on the inner side of the front paws! They are easily forgotten but must be trimmed like every other nail. If you do not trim them, your dog much more likely to snag them on something and tear them. A torn dewclaw is a very painful thing for your dog and often results in a trip to the vet.
The frequency with which you trim your dog’s nails will vary depending on its lifestyle and activity level. If you are not comfortable trimming or feel unprepared to do so, have a groomer or vet show you how.
Clipping your dog’s claws (from the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Fantastic pictures!)
Cleaning Ears & Plucking Ear Hair
Cleaning your dog’s ears isn’t the world’s most entertaining job, but it should be part of your normal grooming routine. Your dog’s ear health depends on you. Infections come on quickly, and keeping your dog’s ears clean and dry is the best way to ward them off.
If you notice your dog scratching at his or her ears, or if you see redness in the ear or detect an unpleasant odor coming from the ear, your dog may have developed an ear infection. Visit your vet if you notice any of these symptoms, as cleaning alone won’t clear up the issue.
The frequency with which you trim your dog’s nails will vary depending on its lifestyle and activity level. If you are not comfortable trimming or feel unprepared to do so, have a groomer or vet show you how.
Examining and cleaning ears, from the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. More terrific pictures!
For natural ear cleaner and treatment, IT’S FOR THE ANIMALS has wonderful information and a recipe for Blue Powder Ear Treatment you can make for holistic care of dog ears.
Eye Care
Take these three simple steps to prevent eye infections in your dog. Regular cleaning and care is a must.
Keep hair trimmed away from your dog’s eyes using blunt tipped scissors. Hair that rubs against the eye can introduce bacteria, leading to infection.
Keep your dog’s eyes clean by using an eye wash or pads designed to wipe away debris and gunk.
Check your dog’s eyes regularly, and schedule an appointment with your vet if you detect any irregularities.
Teeth Care
Your dog absolutely requires good dental care. Fortunately, preventing oral disease is easy by brushing your dog’s teeth regularly. Learn more:
Dental Care: What to Include in a Complete Program by Holly Nash, DVM MS
Exercising Your Dog
Dogs need exercise for their physical health and mental well-being. Each dog has different exercise needs, but Labradoodles generally need an hour of physical activity every day. Good options include running, playing a good game of fetch, taking a long walk, or jogging or biking with your dog.
Exercise paramount for your dog’s health, but it’s good for the human-dog bond, too If your dog has any pre-existing health issues, discuss your dog’s exercise regimen with your vet. Talk to him or her about what type of physical activity is appropriate at your dog’s age and joint condition. Some exercises can actually harm developing joints.
When exercising your dog, remember:
If your dog is still growing, do not take him or her for long jogs, and definitely do not take him or her with you for a run. Developing joints can be harmed by repetitive motion on hard surfaces.
Avoid exercising in extreme heat. If you plan to take water along for you, remember that your dog will need water, too. If your dog seems tired, discontinue what you are doing and allow him or her to rest.
Dog Diet and Health
Planning your dog’s diet is an important and occasionally challenging decision. Canine health depends on the appropriate balance of nutrients and calories sufficient for prime growth, activity level and cellular repair.
Whether you decide on a dry kibble diet, a raw food diet or a combination of the two, be sure that the diet is complete and balanced. We suggest choosing food with high-quality animal proteins, whole grains and vegetables from organic sources. Avoid foods with unidentified fat or protein sources; byproducts; artificial colors, flavors or preservatives; and added sweeteners.
When considering dog foods, don’t forget to look at what’s in those treats you buy for your four-legged friend! Buy healthy, and again, avoid preservatives, fillers or byproducts.
Read more about dog diets and health:
Whole Dog Journal provides an annual review of the best of the best dry kibble foods.
Dog Food Analysis provides reviews of dry kibble foods.
Margaret Muns, DVM, has written an article about PRACTICAL CANINE NUTRITION for those who want a serious primer in nutritional analysis of dog food.
Dog Food Analysis provides reviews of dry kibble foods.
Shirley’s Wellness Café provides a lot of information and links to raw feeding.
Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are a nuisance, but if they aren’t taken care of right away, they can infest and possibly kill your dog. They spread disease, cause allergic reactions and transmit blood and intestinal parasites.
There are many ways to tackle fleas and ticks, and most chemical products are safe if used properly. Specialized products treat individual issues, and some products prevent and kill both fleas and ticks. One product treats for both and also prevents heartworm.
A few of the most studied and well-known products:
Read more about dog diets and health:
Advantage treats fleas only. Monthly topical.
Frontline Plus treats fleas and ticks. Monthly topical.
Revolution treats fleas, ticks and heartworm. Monthly topical.
Sentinel treats fleas only. Monthly oral.
For those who prefer holistic care, frequent bathing and manual removal of fleas and ticks can help prevent infestation of your home and yard. Use a flea comb and tick remover after each bath.
Spay and Neuter
ARK, Pediatric spay and neuter article
Testing and Other Information
DNA Testing – Paw Print Genetics
Canine hip score comparison chart
PennHIP – The University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program